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5250 Quick Keys

In 5250 terminal sessions, the following Quick Keys are available from the Ribbon.

Program Attention Keys

Setting Description
PA1 - PA3 Select to send a program attention key to the host.

Program Function Keys

Setting Description
PF1 - PF24 Select to send a program function key to the host.


Setting Description
Attention Select to send an Attention key to the host.
Enter Select to send an Enter key to the host.
Newline Select to move the cursor to the beginning of a new line.
Erase EOF Select to erase all characters, from the cursor to the end of the entry.
Reset Exit insert mode, diacritical mode, or hex mode; end help and system request functions; clear operator errors; and remove the Input Inhibited indicator and reset the Insert mode. Select Reset twice (consecutively) to exit Plus CR mode.
Clear Signal the host to erase all user-entered text from the current screen.
Roll Up Select to scroll down one page in the current host screen. This option is equivalent to Page Down.
Roll Down Select to scroll up one page in the current host screen. This option is equivalent to Page Up.