Reflection Desktop VBA Guide
Attachmate.Reflection.Objects Library / Attachmate.Reflection.Objects.WorkspaceSettings Library / WSInputMapAction Object / WSInputMapAction Constructor / WSInputMapAction Constructor(InputMapActionID,Object[])
The action type.
Optional parameters associated with the action. If there are no parameters needed for the action, null may be specified for this parameter.
In This Topic
    WSInputMapAction Constructor(InputMapActionID,Object[])
    In This Topic
    Public Function New( _
       ByVal actionID As InputMapActionID, _
       ByVal parameters() As Object _


    The action type.
    Optional parameters associated with the action. If there are no parameters needed for the action, null may be specified for this parameter.
    The following demonstrates how to assign an action to the StartupAction property
    Dim action As New WSInputMapAction
    Dim actions As New WSInputMapActionSequence
    action.ActionID = InputMapActionID_RunMacroAction            'Run Reflection Desktop macro action
    action.AddParameter "Module1.TestMacro"                      'Parameter 1 - macro modulename.macroName
    action.AddParameterAsInteger MacroEnumerationOption_Common 'Parameter 2 - VBA macro project from VBA Common project
    action.AddParameterAsBoolean False                           'Parameter 3 - prompt for macro selection at runtime
    actions.Add action          ' add action to action sequence
    Set ThisFrame.WorkspaceSettings.WorkspaceDefaults.StartupAction = actions
    See Also