Name | Description | |
CanGoBack | Gets a value that indicates whether there is a "go back" page. | |
CanGoForward | Gets a value that indicates whether there is a "go forward" page. | |
Document | Gets the Web document in the browser. | |
DocumentText | Gets the Web page text. | |
DocumentTitle | Gets the Web page title. | |
EncryptionLevel | Gets the Web page encryption level. | |
HasChildren | Gets a value that indicates whether there are any children. | |
InstanceId | Gets the instance ID of the control. (Inherited from Attachmate.Reflection.Framework.IControl) | |
IsBusy | Gets a value that indicates whether the Web browser is busy. | |
IsOffline | Gets a value that indicates whether the Web browser is offline. | |
Name | Gets or sets the name of the control. (Inherited from ) | |
NativeBrowerControl | Returns reference to session COM browser control, SHDocVw.WebBrowser, instance. | |
ReadyState | Gets the ready state of the Web browser. | |
ScriptErrorsSuppressed | Gets or sets the state of Script Errors Suppression. | |
SessionFilePath | Gets the session document file path. (Control properties are saved in session document files.) (Inherited from ) | |
StatusText | Gets the status bar text. | |
Url | Gets or sets the URL of the current Web page. | |
Version | Gets the version of the Web browser. |