| Name | Description |
| AutoConnect | Gets or sets a value indicating whether to attempt to establish a host connection as soon as the current settings file is loaded. |
| AutoReconnect | Gets or sets a value indicating whether to attempt to reconnect after a disconnection that is not initiated by the emulator. |
| BypassWindowsTransparent | Bypass Windows print driver in transparent mode |
| ConnectionType | Gets or sets the Transport connection type when Telnet Extended is selected. |
| ContextMenus | Gets the ContextMenus object. |
| CountryExtendedGraphicsCode | Country Extended Graphics Code |
| DeviceName | Gets or sets the device to connect to. |
| EnableTelnetEncryption | Gets or sets a value indicating whether Reflection uses Secure Sockets Layer/Transport Layer Security (SSL/TLS) datastream encryption. |
| FormsMode | Gets or set the way forms are fed into the printer This setting is only relevant to 5250 printer sessions |
| GenerateDeviceNames | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the terminal automatically generates device name values based on values you specify for the DeviceName property. |
| HostAddress | Gets or sets the host address. |
| HostPrintTimeout | Host print timeout for flushing. |
| IDMCriteria | Gets or sets ID Management criteria flags. |
| IDMPoolName | Gets or sets ID Management pool name. |
| IDMServerURL | Gets or sets ID Management server URL. |
| InstanceId | Gets the instance ID of the control. (Inherited from Attachmate.Reflection.Framework.IControl) |
| IsConnected | Returns true if the printer session is currently connected, false if not. |
| KeepAliveTimeout | Gets or sets the interval, measured in seconds, between keep alive requests sent by Reflection. This property is relevant only if KeepAliveValue is set to KeepAliveNOP or KeepAliveTimingMark. |
| KeepAliveValue | Gets or sets a value indicating whether to periodically poll the host to determine if Telnet connections remain active during intervals when you are not sending data to the host. |
| ManufacturerType | Gets or sets the manufacturer type. This setting is only relevant to 5250 printer sessions |
| MessageLibrary | Gets or sets the library that contains the message queue for exception messages. Consult your system administrator before changing this value. This setting is only relevant to 5250 printer sessions |
| MessageQueue | Gets or sets the message queue to which exception messages should be sent. For example, the IBM System i may need to tell the printer to switch to another paper tray. Consult your system administrator before changing this value. This setting is only relevant to 5250 printer sessions. |
| ModelId | Gets or sets the Model ID for 5250 printer session This setting is only relevant to 5250 printer sessions |
| Modified | Gets a value indicating whether the session configuration has changed. |
| Name | Gets or sets the name of the control. (Inherited from ) |
| Port | Gets or sets the TCP port to connect to. |
| Print3270NationalCharacterSet | 3270 printer national character set for character translation |
| PrintDeviceEnvelopeSrc | Envelope source for 5250 print device This setting is only relevant to 5250 printer sessions |
| PrintDeviceFontId | Ges or set the default font typestyle id to use for printing. This setting is only relevant to 5250 printer sessions |
| PrintDevicePaperSrc1 | Gets or sets the paper source 1 This setting is only relevant to 5250 printer sessions |
| PrintDevicePaperSrc2 | Gets or sets the paper source 2 This setting is only relevant to 5250 printer sessions |
| PrintEmulateFormFeed | Emulate form feed with line feed |
| Printer5250NationalCharacterSet | 5250 printer national character set for character translation |
| PrintFlushOnEndOfJob | Flush when End of Job record received |
| PrintFormFeedOnEndOfJob | Send form feed at end of job |
| PrintHostLUName | Gets or set 3287 printer, some hosts require a host LU name. |
| PrintOptions | Gets the PrintOptions object. PrintOptions holds configuration options for print emulation and print screen. |
| PrintTransform | Gets or sets to specify the manufacturer type and model, the paper sources, and the envelope source on your IBM System i print device This setting is only relevant to 5250 printer sessions |
| PrintTranslateEBCDICInTRN | Translate EBCDIC in SCS TRN transparent mode |
| PrintTransparent | Transparent mode |
| RcTLSFipsMode | Gets or sets a value indicating whether to use the FIPS cipher suite. |
| SessionFilePath | Gets the session document file path. (Control properties are saved in session document files.) (Inherited from ) |
| SSLValidateCertChain | Gets or sets a value indicating whether certificates presented for host authentication are checked to determine if they are valid and signed by a trusted CA. |
| TelnetEncryptionDisableCRLCheck | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether Reflection checks for certificate revocation when validating host certificates in SSL/TLS Telnet sessions. |
| TelnetEncryptionStrength | Gets or sets the encryption strength for Secure Sockets Layer/Transport Layer Security (SSL/TLS) datastream encryption. |
| TelnetEncryptionUseOCSP | Gets or sets a value indicating whether your client session checks for certificate revocation using OCSP (Online Certificate Status Protocol) responders when validating host certificates. The default is false. |
| TelnetEncryptionVerifyHostName | Gets or sets how Reflection handles SSL/TLS Telnet connections when the host name in the certificate does not match the host being contacted. |
| TelnetLocation | Gets or sets the Telnet location in advanced connection settings |
| TelnetResponseMode | Gets or sets the response mode for 3270 Telnet extended advanced connection settings |
| TelnetUseHttp | Gets or sets value for use Http proxy type. This setting though common for other session types are not in the other interfaces hence, might not actually need this here. Does not seem to be saving to our settings file. |
| TelnetUseReflectionSecurityProxy | Gets or sets a value indicating whether Reflection makes makes secure SSL connections through the Reflection for the Web Security Proxy when EnableTelnetEncryption is true. |
| TelnetUseSocks | Gets or sets value for use Socks proxy type. This setting though common for other session types are not in the other interfaces hence, might not actually need this here. Does not seem to be saving to our settings file. |
| TLSCertIdentity | Gets or sets value for how to get certificate for client authentication. Handle rcTLSCertIdentity setting. This setting though common for other session types are not in the other interfaces hence, might not actually need this here. Does not seem to be saving to our settings file. |
| TLSProxyDestHost | Gets or sets value for secrurity proxy destination host. This setting though common for other session types are not in the other interfaces hence, might not actually need this here. Does not seem to be saving to our settings file. |
| TN3270Extended | Gets or sets to use 3270 Telnet extended |
| TNAssociation | Gets or sets a string that identifies a 3270 terminal session on the host. |
| UseIDManagement | Gets or sets a value indicating whether Reflection uses ID Management to obtain a device name. |
| Version | Gets the version of the terminal session control. |