| Name | Description |
 | DfltExistsAction | Gets or sets what happens during an IND$FILE transfer if the destination file already exists. |
 | DfltXfrType | Gets or sets the default type for Mainframe transfers. This property is only relevant for 3270 sessions using Mainframe transfer. |
 | HostFileListMacro | Gets or sets the macro that runs when you click the Show Host Files button in the Transfer dialog box. |
 | IndAutoPositionCursor | Gets or sets whether Reflection enters IND$FILE commands into the last unprotected field on the screen. This property affects file transfer done using the Transfer dialog box, and also using the IndReceiveFile and IndSendFile methods. This property applies only to 3270 terminal sessions. |
 | Parent | Gets the parent object. |
 | ShowDISOSSStatusDialog | Gets or sets whether to display the transfer-in-progress "thermometer" when receiving data from the host during DISOSS transfers. |
 | TransferType | Gets or sets the transfer protocol Reflection uses. |
 | Xfr400AssumePositiveNumerics | Gets or sets whether Reflection looks for a negative sign (-) or a blank (positive) in the first byte of numeric fields in fixed column ASCII database files. |
 | Xfr400Authority | Gets or sets the level of authority to associate with a file that is transferred to the host. |
 | Xfr400Charset | Gets or sets the ANSI or ASCII character set for transfers to and from an AS/400. |
 | Xfr400CompatibleAsciiFile | Gets or sets whether Reflection uses the buffer length instead of the field length of a packed decimal field to determine the size of fields on the PC. |
 | Xfr400CompatibleFDFFile | Gets or sets whether Reflection denotes a number's digit/decimal characteristics in file description files in the same style as RUMBA. |
 | Xfr400DateFormat | Gets or sets the date format for selected fields that have an AS/400 field type of date. |
 | Xfr400DateSeparator | Gets or sets a character to use as a date separator in selected fields that have an AS/400 field type of date. |
 | Xfr400DecSep | Gets or sets a character to use as a decimal separator in selected fields that have an AS/400 field type of packed decimal or zoned decimal. |
 | Xfr400DeleteTrailingSpaces | Gets or sets whether extra spaces at the end of a record are deleted when the records are transferred to the PC during AS/400 data transfers. |
 | Xfr400ExistsAction | Gets or sets what Reflection does if it finds a PC file with the same name as the host file or member that you are trying to receive. |
 | Xfr400FileText | Gets or sets a description for the new host file. This description appears in AS/400-generated lists, such as WRKOBJ displays, and as a Tooltip in the Transfer dialog box. |
 | Xfr400ForceHexConversion | Gets or sets whether Reflection translates data in coded character set ID (CCSID) 65535 from hexadecimal to EBCDIC when sending it to the host or to ANSI when receiving it from the host. |
 | Xfr400GroupByString | Gets or sets how to group returned data after a requested function is performed. |
 | Xfr400HavingString | Gets or sets a string that imposes a condition on a function of the Select statement. |
 | Xfr400HostFileType | Gets or sets the type of host file to create. |
 | Xfr400HostTP | Gets or sets which host transaction program (TP) Reflection uses. |
 | Xfr400IgnoreDecErrors | Gets or sets whether Reflection ignores any decimal data errors found in a packed or zoned field during a transfer from an AS/400. |
 | Xfr400JoinByString | Gets or sets how to combine data from multiple files. |
 | Xfr400LocalFile | Gets or sets the name of the PC file to send or receive in AS/400 data transfers. |
 | Xfr400MemberText | Gets or sets a new member description which appears in AS/400-generated lists, such as WRKMBRPDM, and as a Tooltip in the Transfer dialog box. |
 | Xfr400NCS | Gets or sets the character set Reflection uses for character translations in AS/400 data transfers. |
 | Xfr400NumDisplayRecords | Gets or sets the number of records displayed in the Query Results window when host records are transferred to the screen display (instead of to a file). |
 | Xfr400Objects | Gets or sets whether data is transferred to a new member on the AS/400 or to an existing member, and whether the file that contains the member already exists. |
 | Xfr400OrderByString | Gets or sets how to sort selected records. |
 | Xfr400OutputDest | Gets or sets whether host data is received to a PC file or to the screen display. |
 | Xfr400ReceiveConversion | Gets or sets a conversion format for files received from an AS/400. |
 | Xfr400ReceiveDescFile | Gets or sets a description file to receive during a transfer from an AS/400 to the PC. |
 | Xfr400RecordLength | Gets or sets (second syntax line) the record size (in bytes) for files created on the host. |
 | Xfr400RefFile | Gets or sets the reference file that will be used to set the definitions of fields for the new AS/400 file. |
 | Xfr400RemoteFile | Gets or sets the host file that the PC receives (for transfers from the host) or to which data from the PC is sent (for transfers to the host). |
 | Xfr400ReturnMissing | Gets or sets whether records that contain values for missing fields should be returned. |
 | Xfr400SaveColumnHeader | Gets or sets a value indicating whether column header is saved while creating a BIFF file. |
 | Xfr400SaveDescriptionFile | Gets or sets whether to save the description file during transfers from an AS/400 to a PC. |
 | Xfr400SelectString | Gets or sets which fields to transfer. |
 | Xfr400SendConversion | Gets or sets a conversion format for files sent to an AS/400. This property affects AS/400 data transfer and is only relevant for 5250 sessions. |
 | Xfr400SendDescFile | Gets or sets the description file to send during transfers to an AS/400 from the PC. |
 | Xfr400ShowProgress | Gets or sets whether or not to display the transfer-in-progress "thermometer" when receiving data from the host. |
 | Xfr400SortSeq | Gets or sets a sort sequence for the data being transferred. The specified sort sequence determines the order of characters in the alphabet when fields are alphabetized. |
 | Xfr400StartRecord | Use this property to skip a given number of records at the start of a file before sending the file to the AS/400. |
 | Xfr400TimeFormat | Gets or sets the time format for selected fields having an AS/400 field type of Time. |
 | Xfr400TimeSeparator | Gets or sets a character to use as a time separator in selected fields having an AS/400 field type of Time. |
 | Xfr400Transport | Gets or sets the protocol to use for data transfers. |
 | Xfr400UseDescriptionFile | Gets or sets whether a description file should be used when sending a PC file to an AS/400. |
 | Xfr400WhereString | Gets or sets one or more conditions that determine whether a record is transferred. |
 | Xfr8Dot3FilenameCase | Gets or sets how the names of PC files created in 16-bit applications are displayed in the Transfer dialog box. |
 | XfrAddParam | Gets or sets any additional parameters that should be appended to IND$FILE commands that Reflection generates. This property is applicable 3270 sessions only. |
 | XfrApvUser | Gets or sets whether shift-out and shift-in (SO/SI) characters in the host file are left intact (not translated) during JISCII file translations when the host has the NOSO option selected. |
 | XfrAsciiCrlf | Gets or sets whether a carriage return and a line-feed character are removed from the end of each line of an ASCII file you are sending to the host, or added to the end of each line of an ASCII file you are receiving from the host. |
 | XfrBinaryCRLF | Gets or sets whether a carriage return and a line-feed character are removed from the end of each line of a binary file that you send to the host, or added to the end of each line of a binary file that you receive from the host. |
 | XfrCloseDlgAfterTransfer | Gets or sets whether Reflection closes the File Transfer dialog box upon completion of a file transfer. |
 | XfrCurrentDirectory | Gets or sets the current local working folder for file transfer. |
 | XfrEnableTemplates | Gets or sets whether file transfer templates are enabled in 3270 terminal sessions. |
 | XfrFtpLocalFile | Gets or sets a file on the PC. |
 | XfrFtpRemoteFile | Gets or sets a host file. |
 | XfrHostCmd | Gets or sets the name of the host program to be run by Reflection to initiate a file transfer. |
 | XfrHostMessage | Gets or sets any message returned to Reflection by the host file transfer program after a transfer completes. |
 | XfrHostReturnCode | This property returns a numeric value which indicates success or failure by the transfer program after a transfer is completed. |
 | XfrHostSys | Gets or sets which 3270 operating environment the host is running. This property determines which Advanced Options are available from the Transfer dialog box in 3270 sessions. |
 | XfrIndAllocUnit | Gets or sets the unit of disk space for your primary and secondary space allocations. |
 | XfrIndAvgBlk | Gets or sets the size (in bytes) for an average block. |
 | XfrIndBlkSize | Gets or sets the block size (in bytes) for the file being created on the host as the result of a transfer. |
 | XfrIndLRecl | Gets or sets the record size (in bytes) for files being created on the host as the result of a transfer. |
 | XfrIndNOSO | Gets or sets whether to remove the shift-out/shift-in (SO/SI) characters from files sent to the host. |
 | XfrIndPrimAlloc | Gets or sets the size (in Allocation Units, as specified by the XfrIndAllocUnit property) of the primary allocation for the host file being created by an IND$FILE transfer. |
 | XfrIndRecFm | Gets or sets the record format for files being created on the host by an IND$FILE transfer. |
 | XfrIndSecAlloc | Gets or sets the size of any additional allocations (in Allocation Units, as specified by the XfrIndAllocUnit property) in the event that the primary allocation is not sufficient. |
 | XfrIndSO | Gets or sets whether to convert shift-in (SI) characters to US (hex 1F) and shift-out (SO) characters to RS (hex 1E) in JISCII files received from the host. |
 | XfrIndStrucFldSz | Gets or sets whether Reflection uses the Write Structured Field protocol for IND$FILE transfers and, if so, sets the buffer size. |
 | XfrJisciiCrlf | Gets or sets whether a carriage return and a line-feed character are removed from the end of each line of a JISCII file that you send to the host, or added to the end of each line of a JISCII file that you receive from the host. |
 | XfrLocalFile | Gets or sets a default PC file or files for the PC to receive (for transfers from the host), or for the host to receive (for transfers to the host). |
 | XfrReceive8Dot3 | Gets or sets whether long filenames received from an IBM mainframe are truncated. |
 | XfrRemoteFile | Gets or sets host files for the PC to receive (for transfers from the host), or for the host to receive (for transfers to the host). |
 | XfrSpacesToUnderscores | Gets or sets whether to translate spaces in a file name to underscores during a transfer to a mainframe or AS/400. |
 | XfrStartTimeout | Gets or sets the length of time (in seconds) that Reflection waits for a host response when attempting to connect to a host. |
 | XfrTimeout | Gets or sets the length of time (in seconds) that Reflection waits for a host response before timing out and returning an error. |
 | XfrUnderscoresToSpaces | Gets or sets whether underscores in filenames are converted to spaces when receiving files from an IBM mainframe or AS/400 system. |