Options Tab (Transfer Settings Dialog Box)

From host

Save description

Select to save description files associated with files you receive from the host. Description files are only relevant when you are receiving data output to a file, rather than to your display.

Description file

Type a description filename. By default, Reflection creates a description file that has the same name as its corresponding data file, but with an .FDF extension.

Show transfer progress

Select to display a progress bar during transfers from the host. Transfers take less time when this check box is cleared because the IBM System i (AS/400) does not have to count the number of selected records before transferring them.

Delete trailing spaces (ASCII only)

Select to remove extra spaces at the end of a record when the data is received.

Output to

Select where to direct received data. Use Display to display data in the Query Results window. Use Spreadsheet to save data to a .DIF, BIFF, or BIFF8 file.

Save column header (BIFF and BIFF8 only)

Select to include the field names as column headers in BIFF and BIFF8 transfers.

To host

Use description

Select to use description files with files you receive from the host.

Description file

Enter a description file path and file name. By default, Reflection creates a description file that has the same name as its corresponding data file, but with an .FDF extension.


Select whether data is transferred to a new or existing member on the IBM System i (AS/400).





Create File And Member

Create a new member within a new host file. To use this option, specify a host library in the Transfer dialog box.


Create Member

Create a new member within an existing host file.


Replace Member (Confirm)

Send data to an existing member in an existing file and prompt for confirmation of the overwrite action.


Replace Member (Don't Confirm)

Send data to an existing member in an existing file without being prompted to confirm the overwrite action.

File type

If you are creating a file on the host, select the type of file to create.

If you aren't using a description file, this setting will be determined by host defaults.


Set permissions for the new host file.

File text

Describe the new host file.

Member text

Describe the new member.

Record length

Select the record size (in bytes) for the new host file. This setting is unavailable if you are using a description file.

Reference file

Specify a reference file to use for the file you are sending. The new host file is created using the field names in the description file and the definitions of the fields in the reference file.

The syntax for specifying a reference file is:


NOTE:A reference file is a physical file that defines the fields used in other files. You can create a field reference file to contains only the field descriptions that you need for any group of files or you can specify a file that has the same fields as the file you are creating.