VT Quick Keys

In VT terminal sessions, you can access a gallery of Quick Keys from the Ribbon. The specific set of keys available from the gallery depends on the terminal type your session is emulating. The standard keys for VT terminals are shown below.

Program Function Keys

PF1 - PF4

Select to send a program function key to the host.

VT Function Keys

F1 - F20

Select to send a VT function key to the host.

Edit Keys

The VT keyboard has a block of six editing keys that Reflection simulates. These keys send the following escape sequences:














Clear Communications

This command:

  • Cancels printing operations

  • Cancels escape sequences, control sequences, and device control strings

  • Turns logging off

  • Clears receive and transmit buffers

  • Resets XOFF (DC3) signals

For all types of connections, an XON (DC1) signal is sent to the host.

This command can often remedy communications problems when the host connection appears to be "stuck." Clear Communications does not disconnect you from the host computer.


Also called a "soft reset," this command:

  • Emits a beep

  • Sets the main display as the active display

  • Cancels any pending autowrap

  • Sets character sets to their default values

  • Sets Insert/Replace mode to Replace

  • Unlocks the keyboard (if it was locked)

  • Sets the cursor keys to Normal, and the numeric keypad to Numeric

  • Sets the origin to Absolute

  • Homes the cursor

  • Sets Graphic Rendition and Selective Erase to Normal

  • Enables Text Cursor mode

  • Sets the top margin to 1, and the bottom to 24

  • Sets the UPSS to the last saved value

  • Initializes the communications port for serial connections to the last activated values, and clears the receive buffer

Recall Last Setup

Also called a "hard reset," this command restores the terminal settings for the active connection to their last saved settings. Settings specific to Reflection, such as file transfer settings, preferences, and printer settings, are not reset.

In addition, this command:

  • Cancels a pending Wait method

  • Clears the display and places the cursor in the upper-left corner

  • Sets the select graphic rendition (SGR) function to Normal

  • Sets the selective erase attribute (DECSCA) to Erasable

  • Clears the user-defined keys (DECUDK)

  • Selects the default character sets: ASCII in GL and User-preferred Supplemental Set in GR


Select to send an Enter key to the host.