Reflection .NET API
Attachmate.Reflection Assembly / Attachmate.Reflection.Productivity Namespace / ISpellCheck Interface / CheckSpellingAsType Property

In This Topic
    CheckSpellingAsType Property
    In This Topic
    Gets or sets a value indicating whether to review text for spelling errors and add wavy red lines under words that might be mispelled as you type.
    Property CheckSpellingAsType As Boolean
    Dim instance As ISpellCheck
    Dim value As Boolean
    instance.CheckSpellingAsType = value
    value = instance.CheckSpellingAsType
    bool CheckSpellingAsType {get; set;}
    This exception is thrown if you modify a Reflection property that's been secured via the Permissions Manager, or if such a modification requires Administrator privileges.
    using System;
    using System.Drawing;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Text;
    using Attachmate.Reflection.Framework;
    using Attachmate.Reflection.Emulation.IbmHosts;
    using Attachmate.Reflection.UserInterface;
    using Attachmate.Reflection.Productivity;
    namespace ChangingThemes
        class Program
            static void Main(string[] args)
                //Start a visible instance of Reflection or get the instance running at the given channel name
                Application app = MyReflection.CreateApplication("myWorkspace", true);
                //Create a terminal from the session document file
                string sessionPath = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("USERPROFILE") + @"\Documents\Micro Focus\Reflection\demoSession.rd3x";
                IIbmTerminal terminal = (IIbmTerminal)app.CreateControl(sessionPath);
                //Make the session visible in the workspace
                IFrame frame = (IFrame)app.GetObject("Frame");
                IIbmScreen screen = terminal.Screen;
                IProductivity productivityTools = terminal.Productivity;
                ISpellCheck spelling = terminal.Productivity.SpellCheck;
                //enable SpellCheck
                spelling.Enabled = true;
                spelling.MainLanguage = SpellingLanguage.EnglishUS;
                //Set the maximum number of spelling suggestions for a misspelled word. 
                spelling.MaxSuggestions = 9;
                //Set the minimum length of fields reviewed for spelling errors.
                spelling.MinimumMatch = 5;
                //Specify a custom dictionary
                spelling.CustomDictionaryPath = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("USERPROFILE") + @"\Documents\Micro Focus\Reflection\customDictionary.tlx";
                //Add a word to the active custom dictionary. 
                //The setting has no effect if a custom dictionary isn't specified. 
                //After a word is added to the custom dictionary, it is no longer considered as being misspelled.
                //Correct a word that begins with a lowercase letter and is followed by all uppercase letters
                spelling.CorrectAccidentalCapsLock = true;
                //Correct a word that begins with two or more uppercase letters 
                //to a word that begins with a single uppercase letter. 
                spelling.CorrectTwoInitialCaps = true;
                //exclude words that contain numerals from a spelling review
                spelling.IgnoreWordsWithNumbers = true;
                //exclude words that use only uppercase letters from a spelling review. 
                spelling.IgnoreAllUppercase = true;
                //Automatically reviews words for spelling errors as they are typed, 
                //adding wavy red lines under possibly misspelled words
                spelling.CheckSpellingAsType = true;
                //automatically correct spelling mistakes as they are typed,
                //provided that Auto Correct suggestions for the misspelled word are available.
                spelling.AutoCorrect = true;
                screen.BeforeSendControlKey += screen_BeforeSendControlKey;
            static void screen_BeforeSendControlKey(object sender, BeforeSendControlKeyEventArgs args)
                IIbmScreen screen = (IIbmScreen)sender;
                ISpellCheck spelling = screen.Parent.Productivity.SpellCheck;
                //Spell check the current screen
                Console.WriteLine("in event");
                MisspelledWord[] words = spelling.MisspelledWordCollection;
                foreach (MisspelledWord word in words)
                    if (word.Word == "PartNo") 
                        //Removing is not working
                        //Removes the specified misspelled word from the misspelled word list and
                        //clears the associated misspelling attribute from the screen.
                        //Replaces a misspelled word with a correctly spelled word at the specified location.
                        spelling.CorrectMisspelling(word, "Part Number");
                //Clear all misspellings from the current screen.
    See Also