Open a VT terminal session.
The steps depend on your user interface mode.
User Interface Mode |
Steps |
Ribbon or Reflection Browser |
With a session open in Reflection, from the Quick Access Toolbar, click |
TouchUx |
Tap the Gear icon and then select |
Under Terminal Configuration, click Set Up Display Settings.
The options are:
Display memory contains both the information visible on the display and (if Enable scrollback is selected) information that has scrolled off of the display. It is a log of what has recently been sent from the host to the PC. Display memory stores only text; if you have graphics on the display, they are not scrolled into display memory.
Memory blocks (8K/block) |
Type the number of memory blocks to allocate for display memory. The default is 9 blocks of 8 kilobytes each, or 72K of display memory. This holds approximately 22 pages of display memory when each line is exactly 80 characters long. The number of bytes you are currently using is calculated on each character of text; you'll have more "pages" of display memory when your text lines do not run all the way out to the right margin. |
Enable scrollback |
With scrollback enabled, the session maintains a buffer of lines that have scrolled off the terminal screen. This allows the user to scroll back through this buffer and read or copy it. A real terminal does not have this extra memory and clearing this selection will accurately emulate the behavior of the terminal. NOTE:This setting does not affect VT420 or Wyse paged memory. |
Compress blank lines |
Select to save room in display memory by compressing multiple blank lines into a single blank line. |
Save display before clearing |
Select to move the data on the display into display memory when you or the host clear the display. Otherwise, the data is discarded. |
Save from scrolling regions |
When a scrolling region is set on the display, by default, text that scrolls out of the scrolling region is not saved in display memory. If you want the text from the scrolling region moved into display memory, select this option. If a scrolling region is set by a text editor, selecting this option can cause display memory to fill quickly; every time you scroll down your document, text that scrolls off the top of the display is moved into display memory. For most situations, it's best to leave this option cleared. |
Smooth scrolling |
Select to display all lines in sequence as they are received from the host, even when doing so results in a delay between receiving a line and displaying it. |
Jump scrolling |
Select to display incoming lines of data as quickly as they are received from the host, even when doing so results in some lines being "jumped over" and not displayed. The jumped-over lines are captured in the display memory, so you can still see them by scrolling back through display memory. You'll notice the effect of this setting only when data from the host is arriving faster than it can be displayed. |
Jump scroll speed |
Select the number of lines to "jump over" if it becomes necessary to catch up with data coming in from the host. |
The VT terminal character set includes 65 control characters with decimal values 0-31 and 127-159.
Interpret control characters |
Select to interpret control characters as they are received from the host. For example, the carriage return character moves the cursor to the left margin. |
Display control characters |
Select to display control characters rather than interpret them. This lets you see exactly which characters are received from the host and which control characters are generated by the keyboard. |
Mouse cursor shape |
Select whether to display the mouse cursor as an i-beam or an arrow. |
Number of rows |
Specify the number of lines on the display, not including the status line. This defines the display size, and the host can position and write characters anywhere within this area. The maximum number of rows you can enter depends on the display resolution; the higher the screen resolution your video adapter provides, the more rows you can fit on the screen. When you change the number of rows, characters are scaled vertically to fit the desired number of rows, or lines, in the terminal window. The display is erased (all of display memory is cleared) before the new setting takes effect. Setting rows here does not change the number of rows the host can recognize. |
Number of characters per row |
Specify the number of characters per row (that is, columns) in the scrolling region in the terminal window (between 80 and 999). When you change the number of characters per row, the font size is adjusted in an attempt to fit all the characters in the terminal window. If all the characters cannot be displayed, a horizontal scroll bar appears to the right of the status bar. Setting the number of characters per row here does not change the number of characters per row the host can recognize. NOTE:Changing the number of characters per row in the display automatically changes the number of columns used by your printer in the Columns per row box in the Page Options dialog box. |
NOTE:Settings under Options are available only when sessions are running in Classic User interface mode.
Window Title |
Specifies the string that appears in the Reflection title bar. This string is also displayed on the taskbar when Reflection is running. If Reflection is running but minimized, the configured string is shown on the taskbar. Enter up to 260 characters in the box. As you type in predefined shortcuts, options are added to the box. The predefined shortcuts and options are: |
Shortcut |
Option |
&a |
The Local IP Address |
&c |
Connected or No Connection |
&d |
Date (In the format set by Windows) |
&f |
Settings File Name or ‘Untitled’ |
&h |
Host Name |
&n |
Full Product Name |
&r |
Reflection |
&s |
Session Name |
&t |
Transport Type (Port Name) |
&u |
Product Name |
&v |
Product Version Number |
&y |
Terminal Type |
&& |
Ampersand Symbol (To produce one & symbol) |
For example, if you set the Caption to &r - &s - &c, text similar to “Reflection Workspace - hostname via TELNET - Connected” is displayed in the Reflection title bar or on the taskbar, assuming Reflection is running but not minimized. (The exact text depends on your configuration.) The default for newly created sessions is &f - &n. NOTE:Settings files from legacy Reflection display in Classic mode. Unsupported shortcuts from previous versions of Reflection settings files will be preserved and displayed as literal. |
Show Menu Bar |
Display the menu and toolbar in Classic mode. NOTE:When this option is unselected, you can display the menu by clicking the Reflection button |
Show Status Bar |
Display the status bar in Classic mode. |