Reflection Desktop VBA Guide
HowTos / Handle SSL/TLS Authentication
In This Topic
    Handle SSL/TLS Authentication
    In This Topic

    You can use macros to configure SSL/TLS connections.

    This sample shows how to automatically convert telnet sessions for a specific host to secure SSL connections when the sessions are opened.

    This sample applies only to IBM terminals

     To run this sample

    1. Open an IBM session in Reflection and then open the Visual Basic Editor.
    2. Select the Common project folder, and then open the Reflection Objects folder.
    3. Copy the following code into the ThisFrame code window.
    Convert aTelnet Session to SSL
    Copy Code
    Private Sub Frame_ViewOpened(ByVal sender As Variant, ByVal view As Attachmate_Reflection_Objects.view)
        Dim terminal As Attachmate_Reflection_Objects_Emulation_IbmHosts.ibmTerminal
        Dim HostAddress As String
        'Apply security only to IbmTerminal (IBM3270 or IBM5250) sessions
        If TypeName(view.control) = "IbmTerminal" Then
            Set terminal = view.control
            HostAddress = terminal.HostAddress
            With terminal
                'If security is not enabled and the host name starts with XYZ, change to a secure session
                If .EnableTelnetEncryption = False And Left(UCase(Trim(HostAddress)), 3) = "XYZ" Then
                    'Make sure the terminal is disconnected before changing settings
                    If .IsConnected = True Then
                    End If
                    .EnableTelnetEncryption = True
                    .TelnetEncryptionVerifyHostName = False
                    .HostAddress = ""
                    .Port = 723
                    'Connect after changing the settings
                End If
            End With
        End If
    End Sub

    1. Replace the XYZ placeholder with your host name and change the value in the Trim function from 3 to the length of your host name. Then replace the placeholders for the HostAddress and Port properties with your host name and its secure port.
    2. Select File and then Save Common to save the macro.
    3. Back in the Reflection user interface, open an IBM session that is configured to connect through Telnet to the host name you entered in the code.
      The session is converted to an SSL session.




    See Also