3.11.4 Use Customized Host Files

Reflection supports legacy Reflection custom host files. These files are used to specify the host names displayed in the Host name/IP address list in the Settings dialog box.

The path to the customized host file is specified in the value for the HKCU\Sofware\WRQReflection\Rwin\Global registry setting. This registry setting is only installed in legacy versions of Reflection. It is not part of the Reflection installation.

If the value of this setting is "" (the default) or if the setting is not in the registry, all of the names in the system local host file are displayed in the Host name/IP address list.

NOTE:Windows can resolve the host names in the custom host files only if these names are valid domain names or names that are in the local hosts file. Custom host files are not used by Windows to resolve IP addresses.

Host file format

The custom host file must have the following format:

<IPv4 or IPv6 address> <host name>

For Example: localhost

:: localhost

The host name information is used to populate the Host name/IP address list in the Settings dialog box.

The IP address information is not relevant unless the specified host file also happens to be the Windows system hosts file.