Reflection .NET API
Attachmate.Reflection.Framework Assembly / Attachmate.Reflection.Framework Namespace / MyReflection Class
Properties Methods

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    MyReflection Class Members
    In This Topic

    The following tables list the members exposed by MyReflection.

    Public Properties
    Public Propertystatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Gets the active Reflection .NET API Application object based on the last Reflection Workspace instance that was activated.  
    Public Propertystatic (Shared in Visual Basic)
    Gets all of the Reflection .NET API Application objects (Workspaces).
    Public Propertystatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Gets the default channel name. The name is based on untitled channel name combined with current user name.  
    Public Methods
    Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Overloaded. Creates an application that represents the instance of Reflection that was just started by you, or a Reflection instance running at the default IPC channel (if the Reflection instance is the first instance started manually).  
    Public Method (Inherited from object)
    Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Forces the Reflection application instance that matches the instance ID to stop. Use this method only after the Close() method fails.  
    Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Gets a control running on any instance of Reflection by the control instance ID.  
    Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Gets the controls that match the specified control name in all instances of Reflection.  
    Public MethodServes as the default hash function. (Inherited from object)
    Public MethodGets the System.Type of the current instance. (Inherited from object)
    Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Overloaded. Starts a visible Reflection application instance when the Reflection Workspace "API Settings" .Net API option is enabled.  
    Public MethodReturns a string that represents the current object. (Inherited from object)
    Protected Methods
    Protected MethodAllows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection. (Inherited from object)
    Protected MethodCreates a shallow copy of the current System.Object. (Inherited from object)
    See Also