PlateSpin Migrate Connector sends status messages about the Connector health to the log file. The types and verbosity of messages depends on the setting for the log_level parameter in the Connector settings.cfg file (/opt/microfocus/migrate_connector/config/settings.cfg). Valid logging levels are CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, and DEBUG. INFO is the default log_level setting.
Log files are written to the specified location for the log_file_path parameter. The default path is /var/opt/microfocus/migrate_connector/logs/migrate_connector.log.
To modify the logging level:
Log in to the Connector host server with a root user account.
In a text editor, open the /opt/microfocus/migrate_connector/config/settings.cfg file.
In the section called [Connector Settings], specify the appropriate logging level using the log_level parameter.
For example, change log_leve=INFO to log_level=DEBUG when you are troubleshooting Connector issues.
Save the file, then exit the text editor.
Start or restart PlateSpin Migrate Connector. In a terminal console, enter
systemctl restart ps_migrate_connector.service
For the Migrate Connector instance installed on the PTM Appliance, you can alternatively restart the Connector service from the Appliance Management Console.
See Section 16.9, Starting, Stopping, or Restarting the Connector Service.