3.0 Upgrading PlateSpin Migrate

To upgrade your PlateSpin Server to PlateSpin Migrate 2019.8, you must have an existing installation of PlateSpin Migrate 2019.5 running on Windows Server 2012 R2 or Windows Server 2016, with or without interim patches and hotfixes applied. Other direct upgrades are not supported.

PlateSpin Migrate supports upgrade for Migrate servers deployed on premises, in Azure Cloud, and in Amazon Web Services Cloud.


  • Before You Upgrade: Ensure that you complete the following:

    • Prerequisites for Upgrade.

    • The migration cycle of workloads to physical targets. This is because when you upgrade from Migrate 2019.5 to Migrate 2019.8, all the physical targets that you added or configured for workload migrations during Migrate 2019.5 are not imported to 2019.8.

  • Upgrading to a New Host Platform (for deployments on premises): To upgrade from an existing installation of PlateSpin Migrate 2019.5 Server to a supported new host platform, see Upgrading Migrate to a New Host Platform.