2.3 Required Network Security Group Settings for PlateSpin Migrate Server

Table 2-5 describes the minimum default port settings required for the network security group for the PlateSpin Migrate server in the cloud. These settings are required in both VPN and non-VPN deployment scenarios.

NOTE:For PlateSpin Migrate servers available through a cloud marketplace, the network security group is created and configured automatically with the default port settings.

Additional ports might be required, depending on your migration scenario. See Access and Communication Requirements across Your Migration Network in the PlateSpin Migrate 2019.2 User Guide.

Table 2-3 Network Security Group Settings for PlateSpin Migrate Server Communications





443, TCP

Inbound and Outbound



3389, TCP

Inbound and Outbound


Required only for traffic from your management network.

22, TCP



Required to communicate with target Linux workloads.

123, TCP


Network Time Protocol (NTP)

AWS uses this port to synchronize time for cloud instances in the Amazon Region where it is deployed by using the Amazon Time Sync Service.

For Azure, add this port setting to the security group if you are using an NTP service outside the virtual network where you deploy the Migrate server.

61613, TCP



This port is closed by default on Migrate server. It is required only if you are using the Migrate server with PlateSpin Transformation Manager in a PlateSpin Migration Factory environment.

NOTE:No messages are published by Event Messaging unless you open port 61613 on the Migrate server host to allow registration by subscribers, and a PlateSpin Migrate Connector subscribes.

For information about configuring a network security group in the cloud, refer to the following vendor documentation: