ir_editor has been enhanced to provide full edition capabilities of the Interface Repository (see Editing with ir_editor)
impl_editor replaces register_impl to provide full edition capabilities of the Implementation Repository (see Editing with impl_editor)
name_editor has been added to provide full edition capabilities of the Naming Service (see Editing with name_editor)
the dynamic invocation is fully implemented
Debugging facilities have been added (see Debugging clients and services)
It is now possible for a service to be accessed directly by a client (see Running services)
CORBA 2.3 compliant
Additional idl2ada switches to help corbaization of legacy applications.
Improved optimization, in particular on CORBA::Any which are nearly as fast as the contained data.
Addition of the support for CORBA URLs: corbaloc, corbaname and file.
If you upgrade to this version, you need to fully recompile your IDL files (your 1.3 -impl files are to be merged in the new -impl files).
CORBA 2.4 compliant
Additional idl2ada -skel switch, to generate skeleton package only.
Support for value types.
Support for abstract interfaces.
Support for local interfaces.
Support for pluggable transports.
Support for 64 bit integers.
Support of Corba Messaging and MIOP as an optional add-on.
If you upgrade to this version from 2.3, you need to
regenerate your client-side and skeleton files (your -impl files are
idl2ada -client -skel <IDL file name>
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