3.10 How to manage a cluster?

  1. Select a cluster, then select Configure.

    Alternatively, you can access this option from the dashboard by clicking Actions > Configure.

  2. A configuration wizard is available to modify the required configuration settings.

    1. Configuration: This is a view-only page displaying details of the Master IP address and port.

    2. Policies: View or modify Quorum triggers, Notifications, and Log level details.

    3. Priorities: Choose one of these methods to change the load order (from highest priority to lowest priority) of a resource compared to other cluster resources on the same node:

      • Arrows: Click the up-arrow or down-arrow adjacent to each resource.

      • Drag: Drag the resource to modify the load order.

    4. Protocols: View or modify protocol settings such as Heartbeat, Master watchdog, Maximum re-transmits, Tolerance, and Slave watchdog.

    5. RME groups: Select the resources that must not be assigned to the same node simultaneously.

    6. Summary: Displays a summary of the modified configuration. Review it and click Finish.

The dashboard refreshes, and the updated data is displayed.