Each workstation running LUM is represented by a Linux workstation object in eDirectory. These objects are created when LUM components are installed (as part of OES) and can be placed in any Organization (O) or Organizational Unit (OU) container within the eDirectory tree.
The Linux configuration object stores a list of the locations (contexts) of Linux workstation objects in eDirectory. It also manages the range of numbers assigned as UIDs and GIDs when user and group objects are created.
Geographically dispersed networks might require multiple Linux configuration objects within a single eDirectory tree, but basic networks need only one Linux configuration object in the eDirectory tree. The object is created during the OES installation (by selecting LUM) and should be placed in the higher-level containers of the eDirectory tree.
For more information on Linux user accounts, see Understanding Linux User Accounts in the Linux User Management Administration Guide.
NOTE:To access LUM, log in to UMC with your admin credentials, then click Users & Groups > LUM > Linux Configuration.