Configuration: Displays name and type of a resource and these fields are not editable. If the resource is pool resource, then additional fields like IP address and advertising protocols is displayed and can be modified.
IP address change: When the IP address of a pool cluster resource is modified and saved, the load, unload, and monitor scripts are automatically updated with the new IP address. It also automatically updates the resource’s IP address that is stored in its NCP Virtual Server object.
Policies: View or modify the default policies set for the cluster resource.
Assigned Nodes: View or modify the preferred nodes used for the cluster resource.
Scripts: View or modify the load, unload, and monitor scripts for the cluster resource.
Monitoring: Allows you to monitor the health of the specified resource by using a script that you create or customize. On enabling resource monitoring, you need to set the interval to poll the resource’s health, and the action to take if the resource fails to load on the maximum number of local restarts.
In the Polling interval, specify how often you want the resource monitor script for thisresource to run.
The Failure rate is the maximum number of failures (Maximum local failures) detected by the monitor script during a specified amount of time (Time interval).
A failure action is initiated when the resource monitor detects that the resource fails more times than the maximum number of local failures allowed to occur during the specified time interval. For failures that occur before it exceeds the maximum, cluster services automatically attempts to unload and load the resource.
The Failure action indicates what action to take on the resource when a failure occurs.
Set resource as comatose: (Default) The resource is placed in a comatose state when the failure action initiates. Administrator action is required to take the resource offline, resolve the issue, and bring it online again on the same or different node.
Migrate the resource based on the preferred nodes list: Each time a failure action triggers a failover, the resource migrates to a different node, according to the order in its Preferred Nodes list and availability of the nodes. The resource is not automatically failed back to the original node. Administrator action is required to cluster migrate the resource to the node, as desired.
Reboot the hosting node without syncing or unmounting disks: If the failure action initiates, all the resources on the hosting node will fail over to the next available node in its Preferred Nodes list because of the reboot. This is a hard reboot, not a graceful one. The reboot option is normally used only for a mission-critical cluster resource that must remain available. The resources are not automatically failed back to the original node. Administrator action is required to cluster migrate them back to the node, as desired.
BCC: Allows you to configure the cluster resources for Business Continuity Clustering. You can enable BCC for one or multiple resources in each cluster. For each resource, you can specify the preferred clusters for failover.
You can modify the following parameters:
Resource replacement scripts
To enable a resource for business continuity, certain values (such as IP addresses) specified in resource load and unload scripts need to be changed in corresponding resources in the other clusters. You can modify the values such as Search value, Replacement value, Description, or Use regex.
Load scripts and Unload scripts
You can create BCC load and unload scripts for each BCC-enabled resource in each cluster. They are used to handle the transfer of SAN devices between clusters during a failover. The scripts or commands you add are stored in eDirectory.
Preferred clusters
Resource Preferred Clusters are the BCC clusters that a cluster resource can be migrated to in a business continuity cluster. You add the BCC clusters where a resource can be BCC migrated to the resource’s Assigned clusters list. At any one time a resource can only be Primary (active) on one of the clusters that has been selected.
A minimum of two BCC preferred clusters are required to migrate a cluster resource.
Summary: Displays a summary of the modified settings of the resource.
To configure the resource, do the following:
Select a cluster, then select Dashboard.
On the dashboard, navigate to the Resources tab.
Select a resource and click Configure. A configuration wizard is available to modify the resource settings.