B.3 dstutil

Use the Dynamic Storage Technology Utility (dstutil) command for managing and configuring basic DST operations. For Linux, make sure you are logged in as the root user or equivalent in the terminal console.

Table B-1 dstutil command operations



dstutil -c 

Create a DST shadow volume pair.

dstutil -u

Unbind the volume from NCP.

dstutil -b

Bind the volume with NCP.

dstutil -r

Remove the DST shadow volume pair and moves all files from secondary to primary volume.

dstutil -M

Move all files from secondary to primary volume.

dstutil -m

Move all files from primary to secondary volume.

dstutil -L

Display the progress of file movement from secondary to primary volume.

dstutil -l

Display the progress of file movement from primary to secondary volume.

dstutil -R

Replicate the metadata from source to target volume.

dstutil -v

Display the program version information.

dstutil -h

Display the help screen.

Table B-2 dstutil command options



-s, --secondary-volume

Enter the name of secondary volume.

-t, --target-volume

Enter the name of target volume.

-U, --username

Enter username. If you do not provide a username, the system will prompt you to enter a username.

-P, --password

Enter password. If you do not provide a password, the system will prompt you to enter a password.