Identity Console is used to administer eDirectory objects, users, schema, partitions, replicas, and rights on an OES server. Identity Console is deployed as a docker container.
To access Identity console, use https://<umc_server_ip>:<eDir_api_port>/identityconsole/login.html
If you receive the error message “Login Error. Invalid Credentials,” and /var/lib/docker/volumes/IDConsole-volume/_data/eDirAPI/var/log/edirapi logs display “LDAP Result Code 49 Invalid Credentials: Hostname not valid.”, it indicates that the eDirectory IP address is not associated with Identity Console or included in the edirapi.conf file.
To resolve this issue, do the following:
Edit the edirapi.conf file located at /var/lib/docker/volumes/IDConsole-volume/eDirAPI/etc/conf/.
Modify the edir-hosts entry in the edirapi.conf file.
To restart the container, do the following:
docker restart identityconsole-oes
Log in to the Identity Console using your credentials.