24.8 Cleaning Up Stale Objects

You can clean up stale iPrint objects by using the /opt/novell/iprint/bin/iprintcleanup.pl -s <source_server> -u <source_user(FDN format)> --ssl --port <LDAP_Port> -f <filename> command.

          -h | --help

Print the summary

          -s | --src <source_server>

Source server IP address.

          -u | --src-user <user>

Admin user FDN for the source server. For example, cn=admin,o=novell.

          -p | --src-pass <pswd>

Password of the source server admin user.

          -f | --renamed-printers-file <filename>

Filename to clean up. For example, /etc/opt/novell/iprint/conf/renamed_printer_objects.


Use this option if SSL is enabled on the server.


LDAP enabled port.