7.6 Identity Card Release

A user can now print the WalkUp jobs by using their identity card. A card reader is placed adjacent to the printer and the user swipes his/her identity card to print the jobs.

  1. The administrator configures the Ethernet 241 switch and card reader.

  2. The card reader is attached to the printer.

  3. The user prints to a WalkUp queue and job is put on hold.

  4. The user swipes his/her identity card on the card reader.

  5. The OES iPrint Advanced server validates the user credentials.

  6. All the jobs in the WalkUp queue submitted by the user for that printer are printed.

OES iPrint Advanced works with RF IDeas Ethernet 241 devices. For more information on supported card types, see the RF IDeas product page.

7.6.1 How to Configure Identity Cards for OES iPrint Advanced

You must configure the OES iPrint Advanced server to allow the release of WalkUp jobs by using the identity cards:

  1. Configure the Card (Ethernet 241) devices as per the instructions of the vendor.

  2. Launch the Ethernet 241 Web portal (http://<ethernet241 device’s IP)

    1. In Server’s tab, specify the Data Server IP as the OES iPrint Advanced IP details.

    2. The Data Server URl as the OES iPrint Advanced URL (http://hostname or IP of OES iPrint Advanced).

    3. In the Data Server Str, specify the exact value given below:


    4. Click on Update to configure the device with the details of OES iPrint Advanced.

  3. Launch iPrint Console and in the Identity Card Release page, specify the following details:

    1. Enter the attribute names that are mapped with the user's identity cards: Specify the attribute that maps the user to their identity card. When releasing the WalkUp job, OES iPrint Advanced maps this attribute to the attribute specified in eDirectory and on receiving the user details, authenticates the user. On successful authentication, the jobs are released.

    2. (Optional) Search Context for Users: Specify the context to search the user object.The OES Common Proxy user will be given Compare rights on this context to read the card attributes for all the users.

      If no context is specified, the users are searched in the complete tree. This will take longer time to return the user objects.

      Search Subtree: Select whether you want to search for users in containers below the specified DN (that is, in subtrees).

    3. Release WalkUp jobs only with identity cards: Select this option to release the WalkUp jobs only by using the identity cards. On enabling this option, WalkUp jobs cannot be released using the Mobile App or Release Portal.