7.7 Identity Sources

Configure Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) users to print jobs by using iPrint application.

Configuring Microsoft Identity Source

Ensure all the prerequisites are met before configuring Microsoft Identity in the iPrint Console.

Option, Field, or Button

Information and/or Action

Directory (tenant) ID

Specify the unique identifier generated for iPrint in the Azure AD portal.

Application (client) ID

Specify the identifier that is set up as an application in the directory instance.

Client Secret

Specify the secret key value that will be used when communicating with Azure AD server.

API Scope

Specify the scope, so you can provide permissions-based access to iPrint resources to authorized users and client apps that access your API.

New Group

Create a group called IPRINT_ACCESS_GROUP and add AzureAD Users/Groups to that group.


Click this to save your changes.


Click this to delete to configured Azure server.