16.11 Command Line Utility of MFA Agent

The utility mfa-agent-cli can be used to change the configuration parameters of MFA agent.

16.11.1 Syntax

mfa-agent-cli command [options]

mfa-agent-cli --help

mfa-agent-cli mfa-agent [--enableServiceDiscovery=<true or false> | --clientCertPath=<certificate path> | --clientCertKeyPath=<certificate key file path> | --logLevel=<error/warn/info/debug> | --logFilePath=<path> | --logTimeStampFormat=<format>]

mfa-agent-cli mfa-server [--AddMfaServerHost=<MFA server address> | --RemoveMfaServerHost=<MFA server address>]

mfa-agent-cli print-config

16.11.2 MFA Agent Commands and Options


--enableServiceDiscovery=<true or false>

If set to true, MFA agent automatically discovers the MFA servers available in the eDirectory tree. By default, this value is true.

--clientCertPath=<certificate path>

Path of the client certificate file used by MFA agent. By default, this is configured to use the eDirectory certificate.

--clientCertKeyPath=<certificate key file path>

Path of the client certificate private key used by MFA agent. By default, this is configured to use the eDirectory certificate private key.


Configures the log level. Default log level is info.


Log file path of MFA agent. By default, the log file path is /var/opt/novell/log/oes/mfaagent-<date>.log.


Time stamp format in log message. By default, the time format is YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss.


These configurations are used only when the enableServiceDiscovery is false.

--AddMfaServerHost=<MFA server address>

Adds the IP address or host name of the server to the list of MFA servers. Any number of MFA servers can be added to the list.

--RemoveMfaServerHost=<MFA server address>

Removes the server from the list of MFA servers.


Prints the configuration parameters of the MFA agent.