3.1 Tree Schema Extension

The DSfW installation creates a new eDirectory schema with Active Directory attributes and objectclass set. Installing DSfW in an existing eDirectory tree extends the schema. To install DSfW in an existing tree, ensure that all of the eDirectory servers holding the Tree Root partition are up and healthy.

In existing tree deployments, the DSfW installer extends the schema by contacting the eDirectory server that contains the read/write replica of the tree root partition. If the operation of extending the schema is done on a remote eDirectory server, it might take time for the extended schema to get replicated on the DSfW server that is being configured. Thus, you should extend the DSfW schema prior to the DSfW installation using the YaST plug-in Novell Schema Tool.

NOTE:Novell is now OpenText.

Before initiating the schema extension, perform an eDirectory health check and ensure that all servers are healthy. For more information on how to perform an eDirectory health check, see TID 3564075. For more information on eDirectory schema management, see Managing the Schema and Schema.