7.4 How to list pool snapshots?

  1. In UMC, click Storage > Pools.

  2. Search or browse the servers to list the pools associated with them.

  3. Select the pool, click More Options icon, click Backup, and then select Manage Snapshot.

  4. Select the snapshot, click More Options icon, and then select the required action.

    NOTE:If you select multiple snapshots, the More Options icon is available at the top right corner of the table.

    • Make Online: This option makes the selected pool snapshot online so that you can access the data on it for data retrieval and backup. After the pool snapshot is made online, it is displayed in the pool list and its snapshot volumes are displayed in the volumes list.

    • Make Offline: This option makes the selected pool snapshots and its associated volumes inaccessible through the pool list. It does not delete the data in the volumes.

    • Delete: This option permanently deletes the selected pool snapshots from the server.