15.5 How to add a Replica site?

A maximum of two replica sites can be created for a DFS management context. These two replicas exchange databases (the entire database, not just the changes) whenever a change is made to the volumes. Upon receiving the database from the other replica, each replica merges it with its own, determining which entries have been added, deleted, or modified.

  1. Browse and select the DFS management context you want to manage. This displays the existing replica sites.

  2. Select a replica site, then select Add.

  3. A wizard is displayed:

    1. Servers: Browse and select a server, then click Next.

    2. DFS replica location: Select the default path (/var/opt/novell/dfs) or a new folder to store the DFS Replica (VLDB) database on the replica site. Click Next.

    3. Summary: Review the summary of the replica site and click Finish.

    A new replica site is added to the existing management context.