8.3 What are the prerequisites for creating an encrypted volume with AES256?

To create encrypted volumes with an AES-256 encryption algorithm, use the NSS64 pool type with pool media upgraded to AES. Use the nsscon commands in this section to upgrade the existing NSS media to support AES or to enable all future NSS pool creation to be automatically created with the AES Index support.

For the Existing NSS Pools

nss /PoolMediaUpgrade=poolname /MediaType=AES

Upgrades the specified pool to support AES media.

For the Newly Created NSS Pools

The commands placed in the nssstart.cfg file persists across server reboots. If the NSS commands are added in the nssstart.cfg file, ensure those commands are not prefixed with nss.

If these commands are issued from the command line, it persists only till a server reboot.