4.9 How to manage NCP server performance tuning settings?

  1. In Configure > Servers, search or browse to select the server.

  2. In NCP > Server Environment drop-down, select NCP > Performance tuning.

  3. You can manage the following:

    • Connection memory buffer pool size

      Specify the buffer pool size to be used for certain NCP verb replies. Changing this option requires ndsd service restart. For more information, see Augmented Size of NCP Verbs 87_20 and 89_20 Replies section in NCP Server for Linux Adminstration Guide.

    • Concurrent async requests

      Specify the maximum number of asynchronous threads that can be created to process eDirectory or NCP requests.

    • Additional SSG threads

      Specify the number of additional SSG threads that can be used to process the incoming NCP file service request. These threads are used when the fixed 25 NCP threads are busy.

    • CPU affinity

      CPU affinity is applied to SSG threads in the NCP server to improve the encryption performance. 50% of the active CPUs are used for CPU affinity with the same number of SSG Threads.

  4. Specify and select the required NCP server performance tuning settings and click Save.