19.9 How to filter the CIFS shares?

You can use Advanced Filters to filter CIFS shares based on the following criteria:

  • Type - CIFS shares can be filtered based on the type such...

    • Data volume shares are shares created for normal NSS volumes.

    • Custom data shares are created for directories under NSS volumes.

    • System shares are created for some specific functionalities such as IPC$, _ADMIN, and so on...

    NOTE:The system shares do not support encryption, folder redirection, and Mac backup.

  • Encryption - CIFS shares can be filtered based on the encryption enabled or disabled state. If encryption is disabled, any connection can access the share.

  • Folder redirection - CIFS shares can be filtered based on the folder redirection enabled or disabled state.

  • Mac backup - CIFS shares can be filtered based on the Mac backup enabled or disabled state.