4.6 LUM Enabling CIS User and Group

Perform the following steps to LUM-enable the CIS user and group:

  1. Delete the local CIS user.

    userdel cisuser

  2. Verify if the CIS user is deleted.

    cat /etc/passwd | grep "cisuser"

  3. Delete the local CIS group.

    groupdel cisgroup

  4. Verify if the CIS group is deleted.

    cat /etc/group | grep "cisgroup"

  5. Create a Linux group object.

    namgroupadd [-a adminFDN] - x group_context -W workstation_name group_name

    For example, namgroupadd -a cn=admin,o=microfocus -x o=microfocus cisgroup -W acme-111-129

  6. Create a Linux user object

    namuseradd [-a adminFDN] -x user_context [-c comment] -g primary_groupFDN [-s shell] login_name

    namuseradd -a cn=admin,o=microfocus -x o=microfocus -c cisuser -g cn=cisgroup,o=microfocus -s /sbin/nologin cisuser

  7. The namuserlist utility lists the attributes of Linux User objects.

    namuserlist cisuser

  8. Start Linux User Management.

    rcnamcd restart

  9. Start Name Service Cache Daemon.

    rcnscd restart

  10. To give rights to the configuration and log folder.

    rights -f /media/nss/CISVOLUME -r rwfcem trustee cisuser.microfocus.oes