A.0 SLES SP3 Modifications

Upgrading from MySQL 5.0 to MySQL 5.5 Introduces a New Database Format

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP3 introduces an upgrade of MySQL from version 5.0 to version 5.5. This upgrade involves a change of the database format. You must manually migrate your existing MySQL database to the new format before MySQL can run again. After you upgrade to MySQL 5.5, its daemon is not automatically started. We recommend that you back up the database before you migrate it to the new format.

To migrate an existing MySQL database to the version 5.5 database format:

  1. Log in to the server as the root user, then open a terminal console.

  2. At the command prompt, enter

    touch /var/lib/mysql/.force_upgrade

    This assumes a local database setup path.

    If the database is clustered with Novell Cluster Services, take the MySQL cluster resource offline on a node, manually mount the volume locally, then issue the command using the path to the location on the mounted volume. For example:

    touch /mnt/mysql/var/lib/mysql/.force_upgrade

    After the database is reformatted, dismount the volume locally.

  3. After the migration to the new database format is complete, start MySQL. At the command prompt, enter

    rcmysql restart
  4. If the database is clustered with Novell Cluster Services, bring the MySQL cluster resource online.

Upgrading from PostgreSQL 8.3 to PostgreSQL 9.1 Introduces a New Database Format

SLES 11 SP3 introduces an upgrade of PostgreSQL from version 8.3 to version 9.1. This upgrade involves a change of the database format. You must manually migrate your existing PostgreSQL database to the new format before PostgreSQL can run again. After you upgrade to PostgreSQL 9.1, its daemon is not automatically started. We recommend that you back up the database before you migrate it to the new format.

A new pg_upgrade tool is provided to migrate the PostgreSQL database to the new format. Both the 8.3 version and 9.1 version of the software are included in SLES 11 SP3 to accommodate the use of this tool. For information about how to perform a database migration using the pg_upgrade tool, see the pg_upgrade tool documentation (/usr/share/doc/packages/postgresql91/html/pgupgrade.html) on the server (requires the postgresql91-docs package).

  1. Ensure that you apply the latest patches for PostgreSQL 8.3.

    The latest patch relocates the software from its standard location to a versioned location such as /usr/lib/postgresql83/bin. Symbolic links are used to make the software available in the standard location.

  2. Install PostgreSQL 9.1 and its dependent packages. The pg_upgrade tool is found in the postgresql91-contrib package.

    The packages are installed to a versioned location such as /usr/lib/postgresql91/bin. Symbolic links are used to make the software available in the standard location instead of version 8.3.

  3. Use the pg_upgrade tool to migrate the PostgreSQL database format from version 8.3 to version 9.1.

    Unless the tool is used in link mode, the server must have enough free disk space to temporarily hold a copy of the database files. You can run the du -hs command to determine if enough space is available:

    du -hs /var/lib/pgsql/data

    This directory is the default PostgreSQL location for databases. Use the actual database path for your system.

PHP 5.3 Replaces PHP 5.2

PHP 5.3 is supported in SLES 11 SP3. The PHP 5.2 package has been removed. Both PHP 5.2 (deprecated) and PHP 5.3 were available in SLES 11 SP2.

WebSphere Application Server CE Is Removed in SLES 11 SP3

The WebSphere Application Server CE package has been removed from SLES 11 SP3. It is no longer supported.