12.1 Known Issues

  • Creating a pool on a shared device is not allowed if the setup is not cluster configured.

  • If the pool object already exists, joining the pool to an AD domain will fail. Clean up the object in the active directory and try again.

  • When the or tree view icon is clicked, you cannot perform other actions outside the browse area. Click the same button again to close the browse or tree view area.

  • Modifying the identity source and object type filters in the object browser may not work during the users and groups selection.

  • Configuring UMC on OES 2023 removes any existing Postgres database configuration. Therefore, if an OES server is upgraded from OES 2018 SP3 or earlier on which the Postgres database is already configured and is being used by any of the customer applications, it is recommended not to configure UMC on such an upgraded OES 2023 server.

  • If you cannot login to UMC after a system crash, restart the docker service and edirapi container service using the following commands:

    systemctl restart docker.service

    systemctl restart docker-edirapi.service

  • If you cannot browse through UMC after logging into it, ensure that the Compare, Read, and Write permissions on All Attributes Rights and the Browse permission on Entry Rights are enabled at the tree level for the logged-in users.

  • If the UMC screen is not properly displayed or scaled on the web browser, ensure to set the display resolution to 1920 x 1080 or 1920 x 927 and the zoom level to 100%.