7.2 Viewing a List of Devices

You can use the nlvm list devices command to view information about each of the active devices on the system. For command usage information, see List Devices in the OES 2023: NLVM Reference.

The command returns the following information:



Sample Values

Device name

Displays the node name of the device in the /dev directory.



Displays the total amount of space on the device.



Displays the amount of free unpartitioned space on the device.




Displays the partitioning scheme used to format the device. MSDOS supports devices up to 2 TB in size. GPT supports devices of any size.




Displays whether the Shareable for Clustering setting is enabled or disabled. The Shareable for Clustering setting should be enabled for devices used in clustered NSS pools and for SBD partitions.

Yes, enabled

No, disabled


Displays whether the device is used as a segment in an NSS software RAID device.

Yes or No

If the more option is specified, the information returned for each device is the same as for the nlvm list device command.

  1. Log in to the server as the root user, then open a terminal console.

  2. View a list of active devices by entering

    nlvm list devices [more|all] [exclude=<raid|nonraid|shared|nonshared|lvm|nonlvm>]

    For example:

    nlvm list devices
     Name            Size     Used     Free   Format Shared RAID Enabled
     sda           11.00GB   9.29GB   1.70GB   MSDOS   No    No
     sdb          102.00MB 102.00MB      0KB   MSDOS  Yes    No
     sdc          102.00MB 102.00MB      0KB   MSDOS  Yes    No
     sdd          512.00MB      0KB      0KB    None   No    No
     sde          512.00MB      0KB      0KB    None   No    No
     clus1.sbd     99.57MB  99.57MB      0KB    None  Yes     1   Yes
    nlvm list devices more
     Name            Size     Used     Free   Format Shared RAID Sync  Maj:Min
     sda           11.00GB   9.29GB   1.70GB   MSDOS   No    No          8:0
     sdb          102.00MB 102.00MB      0KB   MSDOS  Yes    No          8:16
     sdc          102.00MB 102.00MB      0KB   MSDOS  Yes    No          8:32
     sdd          512.00MB      0KB      0KB    None   No    No          8:48
     sde          512.00MB      0KB      0KB    None   No    No          8:64
     clus1.sbd     99.57MB  99.57MB      0KB    None  Yes     1   Yes  253:0
    nlvm list devices all
      Size=11.00GB(23068672) Used=9.29GB(19486720) Free=1.70GB(3581952)
      Format=MSDOS Shared=No RAID=No M:M=8:0 H:S=255:32
      Partitions on the device:
       Part Type                Size   Sectors  Pool
       sda1 Linux            297.00MB   608256  
       sda2 Linux Swap         1.00GB  2105344  
       sda3 Linux              7.99GB 16771072  
      Size=102.00MB(208896) Used=102.00MB(208896) Free=0KB(0)
      Format=MSDOS Shared=Yes RAID=No M:M=8:16 H:S=255:32
      Partitions on the device:
       Part          Type                Size  Sectors  Pool
       clus134.msbd0 Cluster           99.59MB  203968  
      Size=102.00MB(208896) Used=102.00MB(208896) Free=0KB(0)
      Format=MSDOS Shared=Yes RAID=No M:M=8:32 H:S=255:32
      Partitions on the device:
       Part          Type                Size  Sectors  Pool
       clus134.msbd1 Cluster           99.59MB  203968  
      Size=512.00MB(1048576) Used=512.00MB(1048576) Free=0KB(0)
      Format=MSDOS Shared=No RAID=No M:M=8:48 H:S=255:32
      Partitions on the device:
       Part Type                Size  Sectors  Pool
       sdd1 Linux LVM        509.98MB 1044448  
      Size=512.00MB(1048576) Used=16KB(32) Free=511.98MB(1048544)
      Format=MSDOS Shared=No RAID=No M:M=8:64 H:S=255:32
      Size=512.00MB(1048576) Used=16KB(32) Free=511.98MB(1048544)
      Format=MSDOS Shared=No RAID=No M:M=8:80 H:S=255:32
      Size=716.00MB(1466368) Used=32KB(64) Free=715.95MB(1466271)
      Format=GPT Shared=No RAID=No M:M=8:96 H:S=255:32
      Size=99.57MB(203936) Used=99.57MB(203936) Free=0KB(0)
      Format=None Shared=Yes RAID=1 Sync=Yes M:M=253:0 H:S=255:32
      Segs=2 Enbl=Yes
      Segments of the RAID:
       Segment Name          Device     Size  Sectors  Sync
          0    clus134.msbd0 sdb      99.59MB  203968   Yes
          1    clus134.msbd1 sdc      99.59MB  203968   Yes