6.1 NSSMU Quick Reference for Linux Volumes

Use this section as a quick reference to manage devices, view partitions, and create and manage Linux volumes on your OES 11 or later server. To launch NSSMU, log in to the server as the root user, open a terminal console, then enter nssmu.

IMPORTANT:For information about the NSS file system management features of NSSMU, see the NSS Management Utility (NSSMU) Quick Reference in the OES 2023: NSS File System Administration Guide for Linux.

Table 6-1 NSSMU Management Options for Linux Volumes

NSSMU Management Options



F3 = Initialize device (Do not initialize your system device.)

F5 = Refresh display

F6 = Share (shareable/not shareable for clustering)

Space = Select/Unselect

F8 = More

Enter = Show partitions (does not report the 4K partition created for Shareable for Clustering)

Esc = Previous menu

Use the Devices page to initialize and maintain physical storage devices and NSS software RAID devices available to this server. Linux volumes cannot use NSS software RAID devices. NSSMU does not recognize native Linux software RAID devices.

Initializing the selected device erases its partition table, effectively destroying all of its data. A device that has not been initialized reports a partition type of Uninitialized.

When you initialize a device, you can select the DOS or the GUID Partition Table (GPT) partitioning scheme for a given device.

The DOS partitioning scheme supports devices up to 2 TB (terabytes) in size. It allows up to four partitions on a device.

The GPT partitioning scheme supports device sizes up to 2E64 sectors (that is, up to 8388608 petabytes (PB) based on the 512-byte sector size). It allows up to 128 partitions per disk. Each of its disks partitions is a logical device that is identified by a unique 128-bit (16-byte) GUID.

Use Shareable for Clustering only for devices you plan to use for a Novell Cluster Services SBD (split brain detector) partition or for a cluster enabled NSS pool.

Clustered Linux LVM volumes require a device that is initialized, contains no partitions, and is not shared (Shareable for Clustering is set to No.). The entire device is used for the volume group. Clustered LVM controls the share state of the device, not the NSS Shareable for Clustering setting.


Ins = Create an NSS partition (disabled)

Del = Delete an NSS partition

F3 = Mirror an NSS pool partition

F5 = Refresh details of the partition

F6 = Label

Enter =Show volumes

Esc = Previous menu

Use this option to display details about partitions. All types of partitions are displayed, including those for Linux POSIX file systems, NSS file systems, and NSS software RAIDs.

If you widen the NSSMU display screen, it widens the Partitions list panel and allows you to see the partitions' full names.

The Create option is disabled. Partitions are automatically created as you define Linux volumes, NSS pools, or NSS software RAIDs.

Do not use the delete and mirror options for Linux POSIX file systems. Partitions used for Linux volumes are destroyed automatically when you delete the volume from the Volumes page.

Linux Volumes

Ins = Create

Del = Delete

F3 = Rename

F5 = Refresh details of the Linux volumes

F7 = Mount or Dismount

Esc = Previous menu

Use the Linux Volumes page to create one of the following types of Linux volumes:

  • Native Linux POSIX volumes (non-LVM)

  • LVM volume group and logical volume

  • Clustered LVM volume group, logical volume, Novell Cluster Services cluster resource, and NCP virtual server (if NCP is enabled)

  • NCP volume. Enabling NCP for a Linux volume automatically creates an NCP volume of the same name. The NCP share is created at the root of the volume. For a clustered volume, an NCP Virtual Server object is created for the cluster resource.

NSSMU supports Btrfs (requires btrfsprogs), Ext2, Ext3, ReiserFS, and XFS file systems.

You can mount or dismount the Linux volume.

You can delete a Linux volume. The volume must be dismounted (or offline for clustered volumes) before you can delete it.

You can use Rename to modify the mount point for the volume.