6.17 Deleting a Linux Volume

You can use the Delete option on the NSSMU Linux Volumes page to delete an unclustered Linux volume. The volume must be unmounted.

Deleting the Linux volume does not automatically delete the NCP volume and its Volume object. You should remove the NCP volume and its Volume object before you delete the Linux volume.

WARNING:The delete process removes the partition for the volume, and destroys all of the data on the partition.

Use the procedure in this section to delete unclustered Linux volumes. For information about deleting a clustered LVM volume group and logical volume, see Deleting a Clustered LVM Volume Group and Logical Volume.

  1. If you enabled the Linux volume for NCP, use Novell Remote Manager to dismount the NCP volume, then remove the NCP volume and its Volume object.

    For information, see Removing an NCP Volume in the OES 2023: NCP Server for Linux Administration Guide.

  2. From the NSSMU menu, select Linux Volumes, then press Enter.

  3. In the Linux Volumes list, select the volume.

  4. If the volume is mounted, press F7 to dismount it.

  5. In the Linux Volumes list, select the volume, then verify that the Mounted state is No.

  6. Press Delete to delete the volume.

  7. Press y (yes) to confirm, or press n (no) or Esc to cancel the delete process.

  8. In the Linux Volumes list, verify that the volume is no longer displayed.

  9. Press Esc to return to the main menu, then select Devices.

  10. Select the device that contained the volume, then verify that the amount of free space increased.

  11. Press Esc twice to exit NSSMU.