A.39 ZID Commands

Use the commands in this section to manage the file numbering, or ZIDs, of files on an NSS volume.

nss /ZIDNameSpace=namespace

Specify the name space (DOS, Long, Macintosh, or UNIX) the command /ZIDToFileName should use.

nss /ZIDtoFilename=ZIDnumber

For a specified ZID, reports the file’s full path and filename for a given volume and name space. Use only with /ZIDVolumeName and /ZIDNameSpace to provide context for the command.

nss /ZIDVolumeName=volumename

The volume name the command /ZIDToFileName should use.


Use this option only with the pool rebuild options in the ravsui utility to enable or disable the rebuild to reZID the volume(s) in the pool that is being rebuilt.

Default: Off

Range: On or Off


For guidelines and instructions for how to use the ReZID option with pool rebuild commands, see Section 17.3, ReZIDing Volumes in an NSS Pool.

nss /ForceVolumeZID64Mode=volumename

Use this option to set the ZID mode of a volume to ZID64. This setting allows NSS to create files or folders beyond the 4 billion limit. If a volume is configured with Zid64 mode, then NSS allows creating the files or folders up to 8 trillion ZIDs.