A.22 Multiple Server Activation Prevention (MSAP) Commands

Use the commands in this section to prevent NSS pools from being concurrently active on multiple nodes. The management file for pool Multiple Server Activation Prevention (MSAP) is _admin\manage_nss\pool\ poolname\zlss\msap.xml. One file exists for each pool. This file contains MSAP statistics for the pool. The MSAP attribute is displayed in the enabledAttributes tag of the poolinfo.xml management file.

For manage.cmd, the pool operation getPoolInfo returns the MSAP tag (<msap>) in the supportedAttributes tag (<supportedAttributes>) and the enabledAttributes tag (<enabledAttributes>).

For APIs, the pool feature zpool_feature_msap can be viewed and controlled using the zGetInfo and zModifyInfo commands.

nss /MSAPServer

Enables MSAP for all the pools on the server. By default, MSAP is enabled for every pool on the server. We recommend that you never disable MSAP.

nss /NoMSAPServer

Disables MSAP for all the pools on the server. This command remains in effect only until the server is rebooted. We recommend that you never disable MSAP.

nss /MSAPRebuild=poolname

Rebuilds a corrupt MSAP block. If the MSAP block for a pool becomes corrupt, it prevents a pool from going into Maintenance state. Use this command to rebuild the MSAP block for a given pool. Before issuing the command to rebuild, you must deactivate the pool. Rebuilding an MSAP block does not give the rebuilder ownership of the pool.

nss /PoolMSAP=poolname

Enables MSAP for a given pool on the server. MSAP is enabled the next time the pool is activated. (Enter the command, deactivate the pool, then activate the pool. MSAP is now enabled.)

nss /NoPoolMSAP=poolname

Disables MSAP for a given pool. Use the command when the pool is activated. MSAP is disabled the next time the pool is activated. (Enter the command, deactivate the pool, then activate the pool. MSAP is now disabled.)

nss /MSAPServerID=id

Sets the ID for MSAP to use to uniquely identify the server.

nss /MSAPIDDisplay

Displays current IDs used by MSAP.

nss /pools

Displays the message Multi-Use Detect for NSS pools that have MSAP enabled.