10.2 Files


Location where NSS software RAID and SBD partition device mapper objects are created.


Location where NSS pool device mapper objects are created.


Location of the NLVM configuration file.


Location where NSS pool objects are mounted.


Location of the NLVM storage configuration database files. The database files are named nlvm.<number.>db, such as nlvm.db, nlvm.1.db, and so on. The default is to keep the 10 most recent files. The number of NLVM database files to keep is set in the /etc/opt/novell/nss/nlvm.conf file.


Location of the NLVM utility. It also has a link in the sbin directory so that it is in the search path.


Location of the debug log files when debug is enabled. The debug files are named nlvm_debug.<number.>log, such as nlvm_debug.log, nlvm_debug.1.log, and so on. The default is to keep the 10 most recent files. The number of debug log files to keep is set in the /etc/opt/novell/nss/nlvm.conf file.


Local lock file for NLVM.