You can use the Rights command line utility to view and assign trustee rights on the junctions for eDirectory users and Active Directory users.
Syntax: rights –Sf <junction_name> show
Example: rights –Sf junc_map_dir show
This command displays a list of trustees for the junction junc_map_dir.
Syntax: rights -r <trustee_rights> -f <junction_name> trustee <username_FDN format> -a –S
Example: rights -r rwcf -f junc_map_dir trustee -a –S
This command assigns Read, Write, Create rights, and File Scan on the junction junc_map_dir for user Joe in the engineer context of the acme_tree eDirectory tree.
Syntax: rights -r <trustee_rights> -f <junction_name> trustee <ADdomain/username> -a –S
Example: rights -r rwcf -f junc_map_dir trustee NETBIOSNameOfDomain\\joe -a –S
This command adds Read, Write, Create rights, and File Scan on the junction junc_map_dir for the active directory user named Joe with the domain whose netbios name is NETBIOSNameOfDomain.