During upgrade to OES 2023, in the iManager configuration page, updating and uninstalling the plugins using iManager 3.2.6 fails. This issue is observed only on those plugins that were installed with the iManager 3.2.5 or earlier before upgrading to OES 2023. However, you can install new plugins from the Available Novell Plug-in modules in iManager 3.2.6 after upgrade to OES 2023. You can uninstall the plug-in as long as it is installed in iManager 3.2.6, either via the iManager web-interface or in YaST during the upgrade workflow.
If you are using a standalone iManager workstation, it is recommended not to upgrade to OES 2023 cluster plugin (ncsmgmt.npm). cluster plugin. There are a few issues with the latest cluster plugin such as missing buttons and empty tabs.