13.4 Viewing Debug Logs in Syslog

All the debug messages are available in the /var/opt/novell/log/named/named.run file if you have enabled the debug settings.

Use novell-named to add an extension framework for controlling the DNS server behavior. It has a log extension installed in the path /opt/novell/named/extns/log/queries_answers.extn.

By default, the log extension is disabled. So, you must first enable log extension in /opt/novell/named/bin/start-novell-named to view important debug log messages.

  1. Remove -n option to enable log extension.

    export -n NAMED_SELECTIVE_SYSLOG_EXTENTION_PATH="/var/opt/novell/log/named/extn/queries_answers.extn"

  2. Add -d 10 to set the highest level of debug information.

    RUNTIME_ARGUMENTS=`echo "${OES_NAMED_ARGUMENTS}" | sed 's/-u named//g'`${NAMED_BIN} ${NAMED_ARGS} -u named -D ${RUNTIME_ARGUMENTS} -d 10

If required, you can enable multi-line messages in syslog for better readability. Use $EscapeControlCharactersOnReceive in the syslog configuration file. For detailed information, see RSyslog Documentation.