A.2 Post Printer Migration, Unable to Login to Mobile App and Access Secure Printers

Post printer migration, logging in to the iPrint mobile app fails. Also, printing to secure printers fails when using iPrint Portal and Context-menu “iPrint” option. To resolve this issue, users can log in to the Mobile apps or secure printers by using the FQDN format (cn=admin,o=microfocus). To enable logging through the CN format, you must modify the trustee rights of the user container:

  1. Login to iManager (https://<IP Address or host name of OES iPrint Advanced server>/nps).

  2. Under Roles and Tasks, click Rights > Modify Trustees.

  3. Browse and select the user container whose trustee you want to modify.

  4. Click Assigned Rights link for that trustee.

  5. To add the CN property, click Add Property, then click Show all properties in schema and click OK.

  6. In Modify Trustees, select Inherit for CN property, then Done and OK.

You can successfully login to mobile apps and print through secure printers by using the FQDN format.