1.2 What’s New or Changed (OES 2023)

1.2.1 System Configuration

System configuration name is changed for all novell yast modules. Newly installed or upgraded OES2023 or later version will have the common sysconfig file.

1.2.2 File Systems Support for OES

During the OES 2023 installation, the partition schema contains btrfs and xfs file systems by default.

Volume / or root with btrfs file system.

Volume /var/opt/novell/eDirectory with xfs file system.

1.2.3 Unified Management Console (UMC)

UMC is a highly responsive, simple, and secure web-based management console for managing small and large deployments for all OES services. Administrators can access utilities and content from anywhere using the Internet and a Web browser. Like any other services, UMC is installed and configured through YaST. For more information, see Unified Management Console FAQ.