3.14 Product Improvement

Participating in the Product Improvement program enables Micro Focus to collect statistical data about your usage of services on the OES server. This data enables us to ensure that you have the best possible experience with OES services. Weekly once the data is sent to the Micro Focus server. For overview and the data collected from each component, see Product Improvement in the OES 2023: Planning and Implementation Guide.

Select the checkbox to participate in the program. All the servers in the same context as this server are automatically enabled and this screen is not displayed to other servers in that context.

Figure 3-1 Product Improvement - Participate

3.14.1 How is Data Sent to the Micro Focus Server

After the weekly collection, the data is stored at /var/opt/novell/telemetry/data/ on the OES server that was configured with this program. The OES server transfers the data to the Micro Focus server. If the transfer is unsuccessful, the system attempts to send it again during the next weekly cycle. No attempts to send the data is made outside of the weekly cycles.

The data is not encrypted because no sensitive or identifying information is included.

3.14.2 Opt Out of Product Improvement

If you do not wish to continue participation, run yast2 oes-improvement on the same server that was configured with this program and select the checkbox. This server and all the other servers in this server’s context will no longer contribute to product improvement.

Figure 3-2 Product Improvement - Cancel