A.1 General Rules

Where possible, product design has followed these rules:

  • /opt/novell: Contains all static data in the following standard subdirectories.


    Executable files that are used by multiple products or are intended to be executed by an end user.


    Executable files that are used only by a product and are not executed by an end user.


    Shared libraries that are used by multiple products and shared or static libraries that are part of an SDK.


    Header files for SDKs, typically in a product subdirectory.


    Contains 64-bit shared libraries.

  • /etc/opt/novell: Generally contains host-specific configuration data.

    If a product has a single configuration file, it is named product or service.conf.

    If a product uses multiple configuration files, they are placed in a subdirectory named for the product or service.

  • /etc/opt/novell/service_name: Contains various OES service configuration files.

  • /var/opt/novell: Contains all variable data.

    Variable data (data that changes during normal run time operations) is stored in a product or service subdirectory.

  • /var/opt/novell/log: Generally contains log files.

    If a product or service has a single log file, it is stored in a file with the product or service name.

    If a product or service has multiple log files, they are stored in a subdirectory named for the product or service.

  • /var/log: Contains the log messages and the YaST logs.

  • All files and directories that could not follow the above rules have the prefix novell- where possible.