After your OES cluster nodes are set up and resources have been migrated to them from the NetWare nodes, you are ready to remove the NetWare nodes from the cluster.
To remove the NetWare nodes from the cluster:
Log in to the NetWare node as the administrator user.
Check the cluster status and verify that all cluster resources have been migrated to the Linux nodes.
cluster status
Remove the NetWare node from the cluster by entering
cluster leave
Stop Novell Cluster Services from running on the NetWare node by entering
Remove the NetWare node’s Cluster Node object and the NCS attributes from its Server object.
In a web browser, open iManager, then log in to the eDirectory tree that contains the node you want to manage.
IMPORTANT:Log in as an administrator user who has sufficient rights in eDirectory to delete and modify eDirectory objects.
Delete the node’s Cluster Node object from the cluster container:
Select Directory Administration > Delete Objects.
Browse to the Cluster container ( ) of the cluster, locate and select the Cluster Node object (
) for the NetWare node in the container, then click OK.
On the Delete Objects page, click OK, then click OK again to confirm the deletion of the Cluster Node object.
Select Directory Administration > Modify Object, select the NetWare node’s Server object, remove its NCS attributes, then click OK to save and apply your changes.
Repeat this process to remove each of the remaining NetWare nodes in the cluster.
After you have removed each NetWare node from the cluster and removed each node’s Cluster Node object and the NCS attributes from its Server object, continue with Finalizing the Cluster Conversion.