5.1 Upgrading Standalone CIS Server

5.1.1 Prerequisites on Source Server

  • Source Server: OES 2018 SP2 or OES 2018 SP3.

  • Ensure that the CIS server is upgraded to OES 2023 and patched with the latest patch.

5.1.2 Upgrading to OES 2023 Server

  1. Follow the step-by-step instructions for upgrading to OES 2023 server. For more information, see Upgrading to OES 2023 in the OES 2023: Installation Guide.

  2. If CIS is configured on /root, /home or /media/nss/VOL1 (non-clustered), the path is mounted.

    If CIS is configured on a cluster volume (for example, /media/nss/CLUS_VOL), then verify if the cluster volume is mounted. If not, then mount the cluster volume manually.

  3. Ensure the configurationStatus.json and status.json file is available in the /etc/opt/novell/cis/ folder.

    Verify if key-value pair "cisConfigSuccess": true is present in both the files. Do not proceed if this is not available contact Micro Focus for further information.

  4. Execute the following command to upgrade the CIS services:

    sh /opt/novell/cis/bin/cis_upgrade.sh

    On successful execution of upgrade script, a few of the CIS services are stopped.

  5. Ensure that the database configured for CIS is up and running.

    1. If it is a local database, verify the status of the database service:

      systemctl status mysql.service

    2. If the database is down, then enable and restart it:

      systemctl enable mysql.service

      systemctl restart mysql.service

  6. /root or /home or /media/nss/VOL1 (non clustered):

    Verify the status of the CIS Infra services. If not running, then start the services.

    systemctl status oes-cis-zk.service oes-cis-elastic.service oes-cis-kafka.service

    Start the logging and configuration services.

    systemctl start oes-cis-fluentbit.service oes-cis-configuration.service

    Start the Core services.

    systemctl restart oes-cis-server.target

    /media/nss/CLUS_VOL (clustered volumes): Add the oes-dashboard.service to the Load, Unload, and Monitor script. For more information, see Modifying the Load, Unload, and Monitor Scripts. This ensures all the required services start on bringing the resource online.

  7. Ensure all the CIS services are running, by executing the following command:

    docker ps -a

    This displays the status of all the CIS services.

  8. To verify the health of the CIS server, run the follow:


    When the status displays “Healthy”, then the CIS server is successfully upgraded.

    NOTE:The upgrade takes time to complete depending on the size of the database getting migrated from the earlier version of OES server. During this phase, the CIS health might display the status of some services as “Not Healthy” because the scanned data is getting updated. On completing the update, the health status changes to “Healthy”.

  9. Restart the agent services.

    systemctl restart oes-core-agent.service oes-dashboard-agent.service oes-cis-agent.service oes-cis-recall-agent.service oes-cis-scanner.service

    systemctl status oes-core-agent.service oes-dashboard-agent.service oes-cis-agent.service oes-cis-recall-agent.service oes-cis-scanner.service