11.1 Backup and Restore Options for Cloud Backed Volumes (CBV)

If OES Storage Management Service (SMS) or third-party backup software based on SMS is used to backup and restore, it takes care of backing up only the metadata information of the files that are migrated to cloud storage or object store without recalling the actual file data. If third-party backup software that supports the standard Linux Extended Attributes (xattr) is used, ensure that on CBV you backup only metadata for the cloud migrated files. However, if third-party backup software does not provide any option to backup only metadata for the cloud migrated files, then perform the following to disallow recall of migrated files from cloud storage:

  1. Open a terminal console, then log in as a root user.

  2. Add the RECALL_OFFLINEMODE environment variable and set to TRUE in /usr/lib/systemd/system/oes-cis-recall-agent.service on all the agents.

    For example, add the following in oes-cis-recall-agent.service.


  3. To ensure system has read any changes, run the following command:

    systemctl daemon_reload

  4. Restart the recall agent on all OES servers where backup and restore need to be done.

    systemctl restart oes-cis-recall-agent.service